Even more frog funnies


Q:Why did the frog cross the road?

A:To see what the chicken was doing.


Q:How can you tell if a frog can hear?

A:Yell, “Free flies,” and see if he comes.


Q:What does a frog say when it sees somethin’ great?

A:Toadly awesome!


Q:What do you call a frog with no legs?cat

A:It doesn’t matter. He won’t come anyway.


Q:What happened to the cat and frog when they got run over?

A:The cat had nine lives, the frog just croaked.


Q:Why did the frog croak?

A:Because he ate a poisonous fly!


stylish frogQ:What has more lives that a cat?

A:A frog that goes croak every night.


Q:What do ya call a frog’s favorite soda?



Q:How deep can a frog go?

A:Knee-deep Knee-deep!


Q:Why did the frog go to the bank with a gun?

A:He wanted to robbit.


Q:Why are frogs such good liars?

A:Because they are am-FIB-ians.

More frog funnies

naked-frogQ: What does a frog wear on St. Patrick’s day?

A: Nothing

Q: What car do frogs prefer?

A: The Beetle

Q: What’s white on the outside and green on the inside?

A: A frog sandwich

Q: What  kind of shoes do frogs wear?

A: Open toadopen toad

Q: What’s green with red spots

A: A frog with chicken pox

Q: What is a frog’s favourite time of year?

A: Leap year

Q: What’s green and jumps?

A: A frog !!!!!


The Desert Rain Frog

Not all frogs live near water. In fact some frogs, like this one, live where there’s no water at all.

Yes I agree, this may be the cutest frog in the world!

Just like a squeaky baby toy.

But the Desert Rain Frog, which is found along the western coast of Namibia and South Africa, is currently listed as vulnerable due to habitat loss – which is one step away from being endangered and that is really not good at all.

How can this frog live in such dry conditions?

The Desert Rain Frog has no tadpole stage and survives by burrowing under the sand to find moisture. It has a spherical body (a clever adaptation which means it retains water for longer) and feet built for digging.

I love this frog! Do you?

Now it’s time to watch that video again. So awesome, right?!

Frog Funnies

sherlock frogQ: Why are frogs so happy?

A: They eat whatever bugs them!

Q: How does a frog feel when he has a broken leg?

A: Unhoppy.

Q: Why did the frog read Sherlock Holmes?

A: He liked a good croak and dagger.

Q: What happened to the frog’s car when his parking meter expired?stylish-frog

A: It got toad!!

Q: What’s green green green green green?

A: A frog rolling down a hill

Q: What did the frog order at McDonald’s?

A: A hoppy meal with french flies and a diet croak

Q: Why did the frog say meow?

A: He was learning a foreign language.

Q: What do stylish frogs wear?

A: Jumpsuits!

Q: Why did the frog go to the hospital?

A: He needed a hopperation !