A Singapore Book Launch (and Farewell)

Me signing books and feeling happy.

Due to rediculous timing, Darcy Moon and the Deep-fried Frogs almost didn’t get an official launch.

The reason for this is simple.

The release of Darcy Moon came within weeks of my family’s move from Singapore to Perth, and in the chaos that accompanies moving countries with two young children, I almost gave up on my life-long dream of throwing a book launch party.

It all seemed like too much to deal with.

But as you can see, common sense took over and I soon realised that I could NOT let a moment like this slip by unnoticed. No matter how much crazy stuff was going on in my life, this was something I had to celebrate. This was the culmination of a childhood dream.

So, with the help of my ever supportive family, we took the plunge and organised a party, which we very cleverly planned to take place ONE DAY before we left the country.

(Please note, life since then has been stupidly busy involving, amongst other things, temporary accommodation, buying a car, opening bank accounts and shopping for winter clothes as well as endless random items such as potato mashers, wind-up crayons and easter eggs – this may go some way to explaining the time gap between the book launch and the BLOG about the book launch … but back to the point.)

Darcy Moon and the Deep-fried Frogs was launched on April 13th, 2014 in the beautiful Blue Room at the Arts House in Singapore.

Me sharing my story with the crowd.

It was a very special occasion. A chance to celebrate the publication of my first book (I have my fingers crossed there will be more), and also, a chance to say farewell. Farewell to Singapore and the friends I made there.

A big green deep-fried frog cake!

The Illustrator of the book, Michael Scott Parkinson, couldn’t make it (for geographical reasons), but nonetheless his presence was everywhere and made the day soooooo much more visually appealing!!!

Sian, Noa and Akira sing for the crowd. Thank you Satsuki Nagatome, Opera Singer and Vocal Trainer, and thank you Suzuki and Jun xx.

I was super nervous about my speech, but everyone was so supportive and looking back on the day, I hope people left with a glimpse into how much writing this book has meant to me, and the emotional road to publication.

Thank you to my husband for taking hardly any photos throughout the event (I forgive him only due to his constant support, encouragement and love over the past decade – lucky escape!).

Thank you also to my daughter and friends for their beautiful singing, and thank you to my son for his delightful impromptu speech.

And a sincere thank you to Sarah Mounsey, for her moral support and heartfelt words on the day, as well as her enduring and much treasured friendship.

Also, thank you to everyone who attended. Your presence meant the world to me.

Darcy Moon in the US!

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You can’t wipe the smile off my face right now.

Massachusetts-based publisher Star Bright Books has bought the US rights to Darcy Moon and the Deep-fried Frogs.

This is SUCH exciting news, especially so soon after the release of the book in Australia. It’s not easy to break into the American market, and this is a dream come true for me.

Star Bright Books specialises in books for young readers and for those working in literacy programs in North America.

They believe ‘only the best is good enough for children and produce books that are not only entertaining, but meaningful and sensitive to the needs FROG1of all children.’

How ‘hoppy’ am I that they chose Darcy Moon?

Fan-froggy-tastically HOPPY!


Darcy Moon in Singapore


I’m excited to announce that Fremantle Press (the Australian publishing house of Darcy Moon and the Deep-fried Frogs) has signed a new distribution agreement, effective last week, with the Singapore-based company Closetful of Books.


The owner of Closetful of Books, Denise Tan will select a number of Fremantle Press titles for her program. ‘Hoppily’ for me, her first choice is Darcy Moon and the Deep-Fried Frogs.

deniseDenise has an infectious passion for children’s literature and a strong background in the book trade, having worked with well-known Singapore bookshop Bookaburra for a number of years. I am so excited that Darcy Moon and the Deep-fried Frogs is her first Australian book choice.

Already she has featured me on her website, coordinated all the book sales for my author visits at the Australian International School, managed to get Darcy Moon and the Deep-fried Frogs into the gorgeous boutique PlayDate Bookstore in the Katong V shopping Mall, and is now working with me to organise a fun and family-friendly afternoon book launch to be held at the Singapore Arts House on April 13th.

All are welcome, so please do join us!


The arrangement with Closetful of Books is exciting not only for me, but as Denise slowly brings more and more quality Fremantle Press titles to Singaporean shores, all book lovers in Singapore will benefit.

A week of school talks at AISS.

This week I spent my time at the Australian International School in Singapore giving author talks to the year 3, 4 and 5s.

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The fantastic display by the librarian team. And yes, that is an origami frog on my head.

It was fantastic fun. The kids were enthusiastic, full of questions and it was great to meet so many passionate readers.

ais talk
The kids from AIS were thoughtful, imaginative and clever. The majority loved funny stories with conflict, suspense and adventure, while far less were keen on romance.

I owe a HUGE thanks to Jo-Anne Ward and her upper elementary library team. They not only created a wonderful author display, origami frog activities and a never ending stream of colouring-in sheets, but they also organised a fan-froggy-tastic lunchtime celebration and kept 750 kids running to schedule over 5 days, 15 talks and a hopping good lunchtime book launch.

By far, the most popular part of the talks was the character development exercise. We used one of Michael Scott Parkinson’s amazing frog drawings as inspiration and came up with some truly frog-tastical ideas.

stylish frog

all of us
My good friends and fellow authors Sarah Mousey and David Seow were there for moral support and my Singapore distributors Denise and Kelvin from Closetful of Books did an amazing job coordinating the sales.

Here are a few of my favourites.

Hip, the 58 year old street dancer who does beat boxing in his spare time and has a pet gorilla.

Swaggy, the 900 year old model-frog who likes to play it cool and has a pet fish.

Roger Flipperson, the 39 yr old Jumpsuit designer who races F1 cars in his spare time and owns a pet pig named Oinkus Maximus.

Bob Stewy Steve the Jaz teacher who likes to eat donuts.

And …

Smooth, the gangster frog who has a pet tiger and beats people up for fun – yikes!

And after the fun, we all agreed. The best things about being an author is creating interesting characters and making them do funny things – like forget to wear pants!

We also had LOADS of FANTASTIC entries to our very popular colouring-in competition. The artworks are currently being collated and will be judged over the weekend. All the entries are wonderful and I’m not sure how we will pick, but the best 10 entries will be featured here, on the FROG BLOG, Monday 24th March.

And finally, if you live in Singapore and haven’t got a copy of the  book yet, you just need to email Denise at;denise@closetfulofbooks.com

Where can I buy the book?

It’s OFFICIAL!DarcyMoon_coverweb


AND … it’s available throughout Australia as well as in Singapore.



It is available in all good bookstores.

So leap into your local bookstore, and if you can’t find Darcy Moon and the Deep-Fried Frogs on the shelves – ask an attendant. They will know where it is and if they’ve sold out, they can order you one in.

You can also order it online.

Order from Fremantle Press and get the book delivered to your door.

RRP 14.99 AUD


It is coming soon to a book store near you.closetfullofbooks

Watch this space!

And in the mean time just order online.

Order from Closetful of Books and get the book delivered to your door.

As an added bonus the first 30 books sold online will be personally signed by the author (that’s me!).

AND … if you enter the coupon code DARCYMOONISGREAT at the checkout page you will get $2 off the purchase – which equals free shipping!

RRP 15.90 SGD

I will be doing author talks to all the year 3, 4 and 5s during their regular library sessions next week (March 17 to 21).

Order forms have gone out but if you missed them don’t worry. Either you, your child (or both of you) can visit me at the Upper Elementary Library between 11am-12noon on Wednesday 19th March. We will be having a lunchtime book party with questions and answers, book signings and CAKE.

TAH_NewLogo-01And finally –  the official SINGAPORE BOOK LAUNCH will be held in the Blue Room at the ARTS HOUSE, Sunday 13th April 3-5pm.

This will be a public event and all are welcome to come along for a family-friendly afternoon of book signings, conversation and a big green deep-fried CAKE (what is a book launch without cake?).


You can order online.

Order from the following websites and have the book delivered to your door.

Fremantle Press



Welcome to the blog

Hello everyone and welcome to the blog! This is the first post of many we (Catherine and Michael) have planned. Full of fun facts, educational tidbits and the occasional snot joke, this blog will put a smile on your face and (hopefully) teach you a thing or two as well. But today’s most important piece of information is; THE COUNTDOWN IS ON !!! Darcy Moon and the deep-fried frogs will be released by Fremantle Press on 1st March 2014. Yippee!


To join the fun simply subscribe to the blog by entering your email (to the right), ‘like’ our facebook page, or follow us on twitter #darcymoon.