Earth Hour!

Earth Hour is organised by the World Wildlife Fund and occurs each year in March.

In 2015 Earth Hour will be on Saturday 28th March at 8.30pm.

It is one hour a year when we turn off our lights and think about how we can make changes to prevent climate change.

Earth Hour began in Sydney in 2007 and has since spread to over 162 countries, 7000 cities and towns, and is supported by millions of individuals, families, schools and businesses.

What can you do?

Here are a few ideas for activities you might want to do with your family or friends. You could also come up with your own ideas:

  • Play some games by candle light – board games, card games, charades
  • Tell stories by torch light
  • Go for a walk with a torch
  • Have a fun indoor picnic at dinner time by candle light
  • Take pictures of your activities and send into school

Check out the official Earth Hour website for any questions you may have, and more suggestions for Earth Hour celebration activities.

Thank you for uniting with the world to protect our planet!